Unreliable Two Factor Authentication

What is it?

Unreliable Two Factor Authentication (UTFA) is an Two factor authentication available for free with a user account. It is available to send simple requests to create a token for a given user id and then to authenticate token later. It is not meant to be a production service but it should be sufficient to support testing of two factor authentication UI.

Why is it Unreliable

As this was only developed for fun it is running on a very low powered (and cost) server. While it is available usually 100%, I take no responsibility for downtime and unexpected outages and I may be slow to fix issues. With this I also could take the server down at anytime in the future but if anyone is using it I will attempt to notify users.

How do get started

To get started you will need to first register as a user: register here

After Registering you will need to log in and generate an api key to gain access: Login

The api is defined by an Open Api specification file which can be found in the github under the openapi module

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